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Women's Education Center

The Muslim Women’s Education Center Cologne, as a general education center for adults, offers educational programs not only for women, but for all interested people, on socially relevant topics in the social, political, interreligious, (inter)cultural, historical, health and legal fields, among others.

Family Education Center

The “Muslim Family Education Center Cologne” offers educational programs on the topic of family. In addition to parenting skills courses and special mothers and fathers classes or meetings, it runs children-toddler and mother-child playgroups, among other activities.

Muslim Academy

The “Muslim Academy” offers a platform for educational and meeting opportunities on various topics such as cultural, (inter)religious, language, empowerment, etc. and is aimed at all interested Muslims and non-Muslims and people of all ages. The “Muslim Academy” offers a platform for educational and meeting opportunities on various topics such as cultural, (inter)religious, language, empowerment, etc. and is aimed at all interested Muslims and non-Muslims and people of all ages.

KIM Case Management at the BFmF e.V.

The City of Cologne's Council has given approval to participate in the state program for Municipal Integration Management. This will enable the implementation of a collaborative and comprehensive case management system that spans multiple jurisdictions. Operational case management in the sense of the state funding "Kommunales Integrationsmanagement NRW" is carried out in Cologne exclusively by voluntary welfare organizations. In Cologne, individual case-related counseling within the framework of case management is aimed primarily at the following target groups:

Regional Refugee Counseling Service

If you have questions about asylum, residence and social law issues, the Regional Refugee Counseling Service at the BFmF will be happy to provide you with information and support. Our refugee counseling service advises refugees who do not have a permanent residence permit. The focus of our work is to provide refugees with expert information about their legal and factual options at every stage of their proceedings.

Perspectives in working life (PiE)

With the ESF funding program PiE (previously: Beratung zur beruflichen Entwicklung/BBE), the state government promotes the implementation of high-quality, holistic counseling for people in career change processes. Depending on the concerns of the person seeking advice, the counseling also addresses individual questions relating to a recognition issue.

25 Years BFmF e.V.

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