Donations / Supporting membership

Donations / Supporting membership

We need your help!
Since a personal contribution of 10 – 50% is always expected for project funding in order to receive public funding, we are urgently dependent on regular donations and contributions. Therefore, we ask you for a donation or the assumption of a regular supporting membership (e.g. 15 € monthly).
The supporting members are regularly informed in writing about the activities of the association. You will also receive a donation receipt from us, as both donations and sponsorship contributions are tax-deductible.
For our Muslim donors and members: we are “Zakah” eligible.
Fatwa “Sheikh M.Sa`d” from Islam-Online 2002.
Explanation for non-Muslims: Zakah is an obligatory levy on the needy; the center is entitled to receive it.
Forms for supporting membership for download (PDF, 80 KB).


Liebigstr. 120b
50823 Köln

Telefon: +49 221 / 800 121 0
E-Mail: kontakt(at)

Montag – Freitag 08.00 -17.00 Uhr

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Jahresprogramm 2023
Überblick über unser Programm.

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Bank for social economy
IBAN: DE05 3702 0500 0007 1212 00

Become a supporting member!

By becoming a supporting member, you can support us with a regular sum and thus make a valuable contribution to the continuation and expansion of our work. We will be happy to issue you an annual donation receipt!

Become a part of our volunteer team!

We welcome volunteer involvement in our various areas. Contribute with your personal competencies!