The “Muslimische Frauenbildungswerk Köln” (Muslim Women’s Education Center Cologne), as a general education center for adults, offers educational programs not only for women, but for all interested people, on socially relevant topics in the social, political, interreligious, (inter)cultural, historical, health and legal fields, among others. One focus of the educational work is basic general education through the German language and secondary school completion courses. With special empowerment offers for work and life, it appeals especially to women.
The “Muslim Women’s Education Center Cologne” was recognized in 1998 as an institution of adult education and has since been funded by the Ministry of School and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia through the district government of Cologne. Since 2010 we are certified according to LQW (Lernerorientierte Qualitätstestierung in der Weiterbildung). It is also a recognized employee training institution.
Contact person:
Birsen Ürek