
Integration Agency

The Integration Agency of the BFmF e. V. works for the interests of people with a migration background. We want to contribute to the coexistence of people from different backgrounds and to actively shape it. Employees of institutions, offices and social services as well as migrant self-organizations and individuals who are concerned with questions of successful integration can contact us.

The work of the integration agency comprises four core areas:

Civic Engagement by and for People with Migration Background

We help to further expand and professionalize existing civic engagement in the area of integration.

Intercultural opening of services and institutions

Specifically, we advise, accompany and support institutions in questions of intercultural opening.

Social area oriented work

We carry out educational work and cultural mediation by planning and implementing demand-oriented offers, also in cooperation with other sponsors.


In the area of anti-discrimination work, we are committed to raising awareness, providing information and bringing about positive change in all population groups and institutional levels.


Liebigstr. 120b · 50823 Köln
Telefon: +49 221 / 800 121 0
E-Mail: kontakt(at)bfmf-koeln.de





Montag – Freitag
09:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Telefonisch erreichbar
Montag – Freitag
08:00 – 17:00 Uhr



The Integration Agency is involved in numerous networks in various parts of the city, such as the “Intercultural District Conference Ehrenfeld” and the “Bilderstöckchen Conference”. We are also represented in other working groups in order to bring in the concerns of Muslim families and to be available as competent contact persons.

We are a member of the “Forum against Racism and Discrimination” and the “CLAIM Alliance”.

We cooperate with the Bilderstöckchen Family Center and the Mülheim Family Center, among others.

Anti-discrimination work

We are committed to the equal treatment of all people and to exposing a wide variety of discrimination, especially against Muslim women.

Contact us with confidence if you need help. We cooperate with various specialized agencies and can also refer you to alternative contacts.

The integration agencies of North Rhine-Westphalia are funded by the Ministry of Labor, Integration and Social Affairs.

Information events and training courses

For migrant self-organizations, we offer information events and training courses on request on various topics, such as financing options, founding associations, etc. We hold these events on our premises or also on your premises.

For employees of regular services, schools, public authorities and other institutions, we offer events on various topics of Islamic life on request. You can visit us at BFmF e. V. or we can come to you.