The Muslim Family Education Centre Cologne, the Muslim Women’s Education Centre Cologne and the Muslim Academy are recognized educational sub-organizations, represented by BFmF e.V. which is a registered entity run by Muslim women. We provide services to anyone, irrespective of gender and race. Our code of conduct explicitly rejects all discrimination and therefore takes the General Equal Treatment Law (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz AGG) into account. We see ourselves in particular as a bridge between cultures and religions.
With our wide range of services – always under the motto “to view cultural diversity as an enrichment”- we want to encourage Muslim women, men and their families to take part in our society as members with equal rights.
Within our Family Education Centre we have committed ourselves to expanding and developing the educational skills of Muslim families in Germany. Supporting families and women in difficult circumstances and enhancing parenting skills are very important issues for us.
The Women’s Education Centre aims to help adult learners, in particular women, to develop and strengthen their personal, social and career potentials. We aim at people who, due to their cultural and/or social background, are difficult to be reached by other educational institutions.
Athough the Muslim Academy is open to everybody who is interested, its main focus is on young adults. Seminars and educational events on current socio-political and cultural topics are offered. Furthermore, this educational offer is aimed at experts and multipliers to enrich their intercultural and interreligious knowledge.
As Muslims we stand for equal rights for all people. Our values and actions are based upon Islamic principles which are in accordance with international human rights, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as its notion of democracy, freedom and equal rights.
We want to make a contribution to the society so that people of different backgrounds, religions and cultures live together in peace, mutual respect, acceptance and tolerance.
We want to encourage especially Muslim women and their families to participate as equals in society. This also includes the possibility to acquire from the BFmF e.V. recognized certificates and educational qualifications. Our educational work is aligned to the needs and resources of our target audience.
With our educational programs we want to contribute to opening people’s minds to new contents, topics and insights. This shall be done by overcoming feelings of insecurity and positive perception of one’s own skills and the ability to implement these.
Our team mainly consists of Muslim women of different backgrounds and cultures. We have a considerable number of specialists and experts who speak a variety of languages and display intercultural and interdisciplinary competencies.